Self Massage Advice, neck and shoulder
Self massage advice. neck and shoulder routine is designed to ease tension. The idea originated from several of my clients saying that they were starting to stiffen up.
This whole routine was delivered to the lovely ladies in North East Network using Zoom and recorded with them.
During the session I do talk to them and get responses back which are muted for recording purposes. It does seem as if I’m talking to my imaginary friends! But honestly they are real!
Lockdown has been tough but I haven’t felt the need for creating someone to talk to – yet!!
The whole routine is seated. You can do the routine through your clothes, if you want to but directly on to the skin is better.
There’s no massage oils or creams used. You’ll need a massage ball. I’m using a spiky ball but any small ball will do. It needs to fit comfortably in your hand.
The ball needs to have a non-shiny surface so it doesn’t just slip off the skin or your clothes and the softer it is, the more comfortable but less effective the massage will be.
To be safe, it is better to do less, use less pressure. If you find that you’re okay with that, then the next time you do the routine, you’ll know that you’re safe to do more movement and use more pressure.
These notes are designed to be used in conjunction with the video. All movements are gentle. Nothing should be done aggressively or quickly. You have to listen to how your body responds to the movement and react to that accordingly.
Self massage advice – Mobilisation
- Rotate your head to look over your left shoulder then the right. Repeat 5-8 times.
- Drop your chin to your chest and trace the chin round to your left shoulder, back to the centre. Then trace your chin along your chest to the right shoulder, and back to the centre. Repeat 5-8 times.
- Shrug your shoulders. Repeat 5-8 times.
- Roll your shoulders forward 5-8 times. Roll your shoulders back 5-8 times.
- Hold your left shoulder with your left hand. Place your right hand on the left side of your head. Gently draw your two hands apart. Keeping your head in this stretch, drop your hands down to the sides of your body and allow the weight of your arms to lengthen the stretch. Repeat on your right side.
- Sit on your hands and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
- With your feet firmly planted on the floor and your lower body facing forward, turn your torso to the right. Using your hands, pull your torso round a little further to affect an active stretch. Repeat on the left side.
- Repeat the first stretch but at the point you drop your hands to the side of your body, look up then down.
Self Massage
- Using your massage ball, gently massage the posterior surface of the top of the shoulder and up into the side of the neck, using small circular motions. You should press hard enough to feel the muscle move with the pressure. You’re not just rubbing the massage ball over the skin. This will only irritate the skin and do nothing for your muscles. Then work these small massage circles on the anterior surface of the shoulder and neck. Don’t press on the collar bone, keep above it. Make a mental note where you found a tender spot. We’re going to find it again in the next section.
- Locate again the tender spot and place two fingers gently on it. The pressure should be gentle. The warmth of your fingers and the gentle pressure should have a softening effect on the tissues underneath. Allow at least 2 minutes for this, More if necessary.
- Repeat the side bend neck stretch.
- Repeat the massage routine on the other side.
- Using your massage ball, work into the chest muscles, starting at the breastbone and working out towards the point of the shoulder. Pay attention to any tender spots.
- Sit on your hands and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
- Repeat the first two mobilisations. Make a mental note if the movements feel at all freer, less tender or less crunchy.
Well, I hope you enjoy this neck and shoulder self-treatment. If you have any concerns about your neck and shoulders, please get a qualified doctor, osteopath, chiropractor, physio or, of course, massage therapist to check before trying this routine.
If you would like any advice please do not hesitate to get in touch